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For a young kid like me growing up, imagination was a huge part of my life. Come to think of it, what kids life wasn’t? The twist in this is that my imagination was different. I used my imagination to create my own world on a white piece of paper. If I couldn’t live it, express it.

This all started when I found my mother's art work in a cabinet. Snooping around like  I usually do to find something to do, I came acrossed a simple drawing my mother had done when she was in high school. Being young, just recently introduced to the art world, my mother's art was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Her art work encouraged me to keep going, to become as amazing as she was. So far, her art work has brought me so far, I can’t quit now.

I would go online, search ways to shade, how to sketch,  how to draw still lifes. Trying my hardest, using all of my spare time that I could, I started to become better. Not the best, but I was moving my way up to that point. Not having the right materials was  stunting my growth, this leads into my first year of art class my freshmen year.

Walking into a high school looking forward to only my art class. I was nervous, yet excited. Finally I get to have a real teacher to teach me how to do this passion of mine right. All these techniques I have been missing out on are finally catching up to me. Have you ever been so excited for something you shake because you're full of so much excitement? That feeling right there, I had that everyday for art class.

I am now in three art classes at my high school. I’m pretty sure my art teacher is getting tired of my face being around so much!  Still building, although I have built so much, I plan to grow more until the day I graduate. All of this has happened because of my mother, I couldn’t have got to this point without her pushing me to do and be my best. Thank you.  

Tiona Maria Hurd

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